Announcements & Circulars
2012.12.21Announcements and Notices - [Profit Warning / Price-Sensitive Information] PROFIT WARNING
2012.12.04Monthly Returns Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities
2012.11.05Monthly Returns Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities
2012.10.05Monthly Returns Monthly Returns - Sep 2012
2012.09.19Announcements and Notices - [Other] CLARIFICATION ANNOUNCEMENT
2012.09.05Monthly Returns Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities
2012.08.29Announcements and Notices - [Interim Results / Dividend or Distribution / Closure of Books or Change of Book Closure Period] INTERIM RESULTS 2012 ANNOUNCEMENT
2012.08.15Announcements and Notices - [Date of Board Meeting] NOTICE OF BOARD MEETING
2012.08.13Announcements and Notices - [Other] FURTHER INFORMATION RELATING TO THE PROFIT WARNING
2012.08.09Announcements and Notices - [Other] LETTER OF INTENT IN RELATION TO A POSSIBLE ACQUISITION
2012.08.03Announcements and Notices - [Profit Warning / Price-Sensitive Information] PROFIT WARNING
2012.08.03Monthly Returns Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities
2012.07.05Monthly Returns Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities
2012.06.13(Headline Revised) Announcements and Notices - [Clarification of News or Reports - Qualified / Resumption / Unusual Price/Turnover Movements - Qualified / Price-Sensitive Information] CLARIFICATION ANNOUNCEMENT AND RESUMPTION OF TRADING
2012.06.13Announcements and Notices - [Resumption] EXCHANGE NOTICE - RESUMPTION OF TRADING
2012.06.13(Cancelled since Headlines Superseded and Replaced) Announcements and Notices - [Clarification of News or Reports - Qualified / Resumption] CLARIFICATION ANNOUNCEMENT AND RESUMPTION OF TRADING
2012.06.12Announcements and Notices - [Suspension] SUSPENSION OF TRADING
2012.06.12Announcements and Notices - [Suspension] EXCHANGE NOTICE - SUSPENSION OF TRADING
2012.06.05Monthly Returns Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities
2012.05.25Announcements and Notices - [Results of AGM] POLL RESULTS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 25 MAY 2012
2012.05.07Monthly Returns Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities
2012.04.20Announcements and Notices - [Notice of AGM] NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
2012.04.20Circulars - [General Mandate / Re-election or Appointment of Director subject to Shareholders' Approval / Explanatory Statement for Repurchase of Shares] GENERAL MANDATES TO ISSUE NEW SHARES AND REPURCHASE SHARES RE-ELECTION OF RETIRING DIRECTORS AND NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
2012.04.05Monthly Returns Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities
2012.03.30Announcements and Notices - [Final Results / Dividend or Distribution / Closure of Books or Change of Book Closure Period] RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2011
2012.03.30Announcements and Notices - [Terms of Reference of the Remuneration Committee] TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE REMUNERATION COMMITTEE
2012.03.30Announcements and Notices - [Terms of Reference of the Nomination Committee] TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE NOMINATION COMMITTEE
2012.03.30Announcements and Notices - [Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee] TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE
2012.03.30Announcements and Notices - [List of Directors and their Role and Function] LIST OF DIRECTORS AND THEIR ROLE AND FUNCTION
2012.03.30Announcements and Notices - [Change in Directors or of Important Executive Functions or Responsibilities] CHANGE OF CHAIRMEN OF THE REMUNERATION COMMITTEE AND NOMINATION COMMITTEE
2012.03.30Constitutional Documents MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION
2012.03.16Announcements and Notices - [Date of Board Meeting] NOTICE OF BOARD MEETING
2012.03.05Monthly Returns Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities
2012.02.29Announcements and Notices - [Profit Warning / Price-Sensitive Information] PROFIT WARNING
2012.02.06Monthly Returns Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities
2012.01.04Monthly Returns Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities